What is it?
Data in all its forms is the key to a successful business as it helps performing many tasks such as establishing a successful strategy, keeping records for contractual purposes, and ensuring appropriate billing of material and services.
Data has become so important that its loss will most certainly lead a business to shut down (a study of the London Chamber of commerce done in 2003 pointed out that 90% of businesses that lost their entire data are forced to shut within 2 years).
Thus, while it can come through different media containers, multiple technologies, and at various costs depending on the needs, keeping data safe should be an essential part of your business. While our technicians can perform complex data recoveries on your hard disks to recover your lost data, nothing is as true as the old adage : “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”.
How do we do it?
While we also perform data recovery, we strongly encourage you to review your backup strategy regularly before a problem occurs.
Our solutions encompass but are not limited to:
- Backup to tape (manually or with a tape robot)
- Backup to disk (HDD, cd, dvd, or USB)
- Managed hosted backup service
- Onsite/offsite data replication
As every situation is different and the degree of critical data varies from one company to the next, we always suggest a meeting with you in order to determine your exact needs before choosing one of the above solutions.
While we hope we will be able to help you in a pro-active manner, we also have extensive experience in data recovery, after occurrence of viruses, software or hardware failures should this be required.